How IoT can bring a paradigm shift in field service management
Field Service Management (FSM) can be a complex exercise depending on the industry and the product it serves. Essentially, a field service management software enables companies to track their field operations with a view to optimize it over time. Connecting your FSM application to your existing ERP software gives you enhanced visibility and a complete overview of all your field assets.
Transforming the field service management is a new technology trend called the Internet of Things or IoT as the buzzword goes. The Internet of Things (IoT) technology is transforming our world into an increasingly connected society on both the consumer and commercial fronts. It is projected that by 2025, the total number of IoT-connected devices in the world will reach a whopping 75 billion.
FSM headed for a Paradigm Shift
So what really is IoT and how does it work? Basically, IoT enables communication over distant objects. It connects any object with a sensor to the Internet so that object can communicate. The connected object could be anything from a dishwasher to a car, a smartphone, even clothing. Basically, anything that can transmit data over a wireless network can become part of the Internet of Things.
The enhanced capabilities of IoT in the FSM environment is leading to a paradigm shift in the traditional field service operation approach resulting in new opportunities as well as new business models for the field service industry.
Contrary to the fact that IoT automation will make manual jobs redundant, the new technology has immense potential to not replace, but help field service technicians achieve more. IoT enables FSM to evolve to a predictive model. This shift in thinking from a reactive, break-fix service model to one focused on maximizing product uptime is a fundamental change to how manufacturers handle service today, and IoT is at the core of this.
Let’s understand some real advantages of adopting IoT technology in Field Service Management:
1) Evolving technician skill set and role
Earlier, when IoT was not in application, the role of the technician would begin only once the client reported an issue. Only then the task would be assigned to the technician and he would be dispatched to visit the client side and carry out the required repairs. Fast forward to the modern IoT-enabled service landscape, now more and more devices are connected throwing in constant data bits.
Today the technician can study this data and adopt a procedural approach to each repair. This allows the technicians to plan in advance and significantly reduces the time required for each repair. Of course this calls for a defined skill set that is comfortable with extrapolating the data patterns, needless to say this will bring in transformation in the traditional role of field technicians, demanding them to be more data driven.
2) Remote diagnostics in real-time
Within the field service management software a lot of manual tasks were replaced with automation. This helped in better and optimized resource allocation and route mapping. With more IoT integration, automation has taken a step forward. Now technicians can remotely diagnose issues and even help solve them without really travelling to the client site.
Virtual is the new real for collaboration. The potential for remote diagnostics is huge as IoT technology is going to see more adoption in the near future. The wearable technology market is already on the rise. Augmented Reality is pushing the boundaries even further. Imagine if your technician can access the mission critical scenario virtually and help you solve it. Or if you train your junior technician virtually in a given scenario. Or if your technician can solve a field problem from his smartwatch? This would bring in a real paradigm shift in the field service industry.
3) Shift from reactive to proactive
Currently, the field service industry is driven by a break-fix approach to operations. This means, action is taken only when a client reports a disruption or the disaster is already struck. For example, if the machine breaks down, the client will call the service company who will then send a technician to do the repairs.
With more IoT based application coming into the field service infrastructure, FSM has become more predictive and preventive in nature. IoT sensors allow clients and technicians to monitor service assets regularly, also citing deviations or issues that can be foreseen. This gives more time to the technicians to react to the situation and be well-prepared. Many a times, the potential downtime can be avoided simply because a corrective action was taken in time. Also, as they say, a stitch in time saves nine. This saves a lot of time and resources that would be used to sew up greater damage. This also means less downtime, which makes clients happy.
In a way, IoT has successfully made the entire FSM domain more proactive. And there is much more scope to explore in applying IoT to field service management. It has an impact on revenue and product integration as well. If you save your client’s the trouble of dealing with asset downtime or breakdowns, if you can create a predictive strategy in advance, it will only make your clients happier and mostly likely you will retain business or even expand it.
That apart, IoT imparts great integration to the overall field service management where communication is happening all across and beyond physical borders. This gives technicians a bird’s eye view of the entire network of connected devices and systems, allowing for complete analysis and optimization of that network.
Entering a brave new world
The future looks at more technology advancement entering the IoT-enabled field service management space. Powered by 5G, the new-gen WWAN infrastructure will activate the following IoT capabilities:
- high data throughput
- minimal latency
- low power consumption
- high connection density
- optimized system capacity
- massive device connectivity
IoT has brought in a great revolution in the way the field service management operates. And the potential is huge. From diagnosis and repair right down to the bottom line, IoT technology can be leveraged to further streamline and optimize field service work on every level.
Give your field service management a new dimension with location intelligence. Learn more about Dista’s field service management software at